
require(["esri/widgets/DirectLineMeasurement3D"], function(DirectLineMeasurement3D) { /* code goes here */ });
Class: esri/widgets/DirectLineMeasurement3D
Inheritance: DirectLineMeasurement3D Widget Accessor
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.6

The DirectLineMeasurement3D widget calculates and displays the 3D distance between two points. This widget can be used in a SceneView to measure the vertical, horizontal, and direct distance between two points.


When the widget is active, a horizontal "laser" line is drawn which indicates the height at the current mouse position. This line can help in analyzing the heights of objects relative to each other and the terrain. A second laser line shows the intersection of the scene with the vertical plane that passes through the checkered line.

DirectLineMeasurement3D widget labels the direct, horizontal, and vertical orange distance lines and displays the same values in the UI panel. In a WGS84 or WebMercator scene, when the distance between the points is greater than 100 km, DirectLineMeasurement3D widget switches to displaying only the Horizontal and Vertical distances taking into consideration the curvature of the earth (i.e. ellipsoid-based geodesic distance).


Known Limitations

This widget is designed to work with 3D SceneViews. For measurements with 2D MapViews, use DistanceMeasurement2D.

For information about gaining full control of widget styles, see the Styling topic.
See also:
var measurementWidget = new DirectLineMeasurement3D({
  view: view

view.ui.add(measurementWidget, "top-right");


new DirectLineMeasurement3D(properties)
properties Object

See the properties for a list of all the properties that may be passed into the constructor.

// typical usage
var measurementWidget = new DirectLineMeasurement3D({
  view: view

Property Overview

Any properties can be set, retrieved or listened to. See the Working with Properties topic.

The ID or node representing the DOM element containing the widget.

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more detailsWidget

The name of the class.

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more detailsAccessor

When true, this property indicates whether the widget has been destroyed.

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more detailsWidget

The unique ID assigned to the widget when the widget is created.

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Unit system (imperial, metric) or specific unit used for displaying the distance values.

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more detailsDirectLineMeasurement3D

List of unit systems (imperial, metric) and specific units for displaying the distance values.

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more detailsDirectLineMeasurement3D

A reference to the SceneView.

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more detailsDirectLineMeasurement3D

The view model for this widget.

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more detailsDirectLineMeasurement3D

Property Details

The ID or node representing the DOM element containing the widget. This property can only be set once.

declaredClassStringreadonly inherited
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.7

The name of the class. The declared class name is formatted as esri.folder.className.

When true, this property indicates whether the widget has been destroyed.

The unique ID assigned to the widget when the widget is created. If not set by the developer, it will default to the container ID, or if that is not present then it will be automatically generated.

Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.8

Unit system (imperial, metric) or specific unit used for displaying the distance values.

Possible Values: metric | imperial | inches | feet | us-feet | yards | miles | nautical-miles | meters | kilometers

Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.7

List of unit systems (imperial, metric) and specific units for displaying the distance values. By default, the following units are included: metric, imperial, inches, feet, us-feet, yards, miles, nautical-miles, meters, kilometers.

A reference to the SceneView. Set this to link the widget to a specific view.

Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.7

The view model for this widget. This is a class that contains all the logic (properties and methods) that controls this widget's behavior. See the DirectLineMeasurement3DViewModel class to access all properties and methods on the widget.

Method Overview

NameReturn TypeSummaryClass

A utility method used for building the value for a widget's class property.

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Destroys the widget instance.

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more detailsWidget

Emits an event on the instance.

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more detailsWidget

Indicates whether there is an event listener on the instance that matches the provided event name.

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more detailsWidget

Registers an event handler on the instance.

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more detailsWidget

Widget teardown helper.

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more detailsWidget

This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets.

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more detailsWidget

This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets.

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more detailsWidget

Renders widget to the DOM immediately.

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more detailsWidget

This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets.

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more detailsWidget

Method Details

Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.7

A utility method used for building the value for a widget's class property. This aids in simplifying CSS class setup.

Prior to version 4.7, there were various approaches towards setting CSS classes. These were dependent upon variables, such as whether the classes were:

  • a single static class,
  • multiple static classes, or
  • dynamic classes.

This helper method takes all of these approaches into account and simplifies it to use one single pattern to accommodate these multiple approaches.

classNames Array<(String|String[]|Object)>

The class names.

StringThe computed class name.
See also:
// .tsx syntax showing how to set CSS classes while rendering the widget
render() {
  const dynamicIconClasses = {
    [CSS.myIcon]: this.showIcon,
    [CSS.greyIcon]: !this.showIcon

  return (
    <div class={classes(CSS.root, CSS.mixin, dynamicIconClasses)} />

Destroys the widget instance.

emit(type, event)inherited

Emits an event on the instance. This method should only be used when creating subclasses of this class.

type String

The name of the event.

event Object

The event payload.


Indicates whether there is an event listener on the instance that matches the provided event name.

type String

The name of the event.

BooleanReturns true if the class supports the input event.
on(type, listener){Object}inherited

Registers an event handler on the instance. Call this method to hook an event with a listener.

type String

The name of event to listen for.

listener Function

The function to call when the event is fired.

ObjectReturns an event handler with a remove() method that can be called to stop listening for the event.
removeFunctionWhen called, removes the listener from the event.
See also:
view.on("click", function(event){
  // event is the event handle returned after the event fires.

Widget teardown helper. Any handles added to it will be automatically removed when the widget is destroyed.


Handles marked for removal once the widget is destroyed.


This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets. Executes after widget is ready for rendering.


This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets. It must be implemented by subclasses for rendering.

ObjectThe rendered virtual node.

Renders widget to the DOM immediately.


This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets. Schedules widget rendering. This method is useful for changes affecting the UI.

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