require(["esri/views/2d/layers/BaseLayerView2D"], function(BaseLayerView2D) { /* code goes here */ });
Object: esri/views/2d/layers/BaseLayerView2D
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.8
var TileBorderLayerView2D = BaseLayerView2D.createSubclass({
   // Example of a render implementation that draws tile boundaries
   render(renderParameters) {
     var tileSize = this.layer.tileInfo.size[0];
     var state = renderParameters.state;
     var pixelRatio = state.pixelRatio;
     var width = state.size[0];
     var height = state.size[1];
     var context = renderParameters.context;
     var coords = [0, 0];

     context.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.25)";
     context.fillRect(0, 0, width * pixelRatio, height * pixelRatio);

     // apply rotation for everything that will be applied to the canvas
     if (state.rotation !== 0) {
       context.translate(width * pixelRatio * 0.5, height * pixelRatio * 0.5);
       context.rotate((state.rotation * Math.PI) / 180);
       context.translate(- width * pixelRatio * 0.5, -height * pixelRatio * 0.5);

     // Set the style for all the text.
     context.font = "24px monospace";
     context.fillStyle = "black";
     context.shadowBlur = 1;

     for (const tile of this.tiles) {
       var screenScale = tile.resolution / state.resolution * pixelRatio;

       state.toScreenNoRotation(coords, tile.coords);

       // Draw the tile boundaries
       context.strokeRect(coords[0], coords[1], tileSize * screenScale, tileSize * screenScale);

       // Draw the tile information
       context.shadowColor = "white";
         tile.level + "/" + tile.row + "/" + tile.col + "/" +,
         coords[0] + 12,
         coords[1] + 24,
         tileSize * screenScale
       context.shadowColor = "transparent";

 var CustomTileLayer = Layer.createSubclass({
   tileInfo: TileInfo.create({ spatialReference: { wkid: 3857 }}),

   createLayerView(view) {
     if (view.type === "2d") {
       return new TileBorderLayerView2D({
         view: view,
         layer: this

Property Overview

Any properties can be set, retrieved or listened to. See the Working with Properties topic.

References the layer this LayerView represents.

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more detailsBaseLayerView2D

The array of Tile objects computed to cover the MapView's visible area.

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more detailsBaseLayerView2D

References the MapView this LayerView belongs to.

more details
more detailsBaseLayerView2D

Property Details


References the layer this LayerView represents.


The array of Tile objects computed to cover the MapView's visible area. This array is updated when the view is animating or the user is interacting with it. Then if tiles have been added or removed, tilesChanged() is called.

See also:

References the MapView this LayerView belongs to.

Method Overview

NameReturn TypeSummaryObject

Method called when after the LayerView is created and right before it's asked to draw the layer's content.

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more detailsBaseLayerView2D

Method called after the layer is removed and the LayerView is about to be removed.

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more detailsBaseLayerView2D

Method to implement that is responsible for providing objects hit at the specified screen coordinates.

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more detailsBaseLayerView2D

The method to implement that is responsible of drawing the content of the layer.

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more detailsBaseLayerView2D

The LayerView can call this method to ask the MapView to schedule a new rendering frame.

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more detailsBaseLayerView2D

Method to implement, which notifies of tiles being added or removed for the current view state.

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more detailsBaseLayerView2D

Method Details


Method called when after the LayerView is created and right before it's asked to draw the layer's content. Typically this method is implemented to start watching property changes on the layer for example.

See also:
attach() {
  this._propertyHandle ="opacity", function() {

Method called after the layer is removed and the LayerView is about to be removed. Typically, this method is implemented to free resources like watchers.

See also:
// remove the watchers on the layer that are added in attach()
detach() {
  this._propertyHandle = null;
hitTest(x, y){Promise<Graphic>}

Method to implement that is responsible for providing objects hit at the specified screen coordinates. This method is called internally by the MapView each time its hitTest() method is called.


The x-coordinate in screen space of the desired hit.

The y-coordinate in screen space of the desired hit.

Promise<Graphic>A Promise that can resolve with a hit graphic instance.

The method to implement that is responsible of drawing the content of the layer. This method is called every time the MapView's state changes, or if requestRender() has been called.

renderParameters Object

The canvas 2D context in which to draw content.

stationary Boolean

The stationary state of the MapView.

state ViewState

The object that describes view state.

// Example of a render implementation that draws tile boundaries
render(renderParameters) {var tileSize = this.layer.tileInfo.size[0];
  var state = renderParameters.state;
  var pixelRatio = state.pixelRatio;
  var width = state.size[0];
  var height = state.size[1];
  var context = renderParameters.context;
  var coords = [0, 0];

  context.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.25)";
  context.fillRect(0, 0, width * pixelRatio, height * pixelRatio);

  // apply rotation for everything that will be applied to the canvas
  if (state.rotation !== 0) {
    context.translate(width * pixelRatio * 0.5, height * pixelRatio * 0.5);
    context.rotate((state.rotation * Math.PI) / 180);
    context.translate(- width * pixelRatio * 0.5, -height * pixelRatio * 0.5);

  // Set the style for all the text.
  context.font = "24px monospace";
  context.fillStyle = "black";
  context.shadowBlur = 1;

  for (const tile of this.tiles) {
    var screenScale = tile.resolution / state.resolution * pixelRatio;

    state.toScreenNoRotation(coords, tile.coords);

    // Draw the tile boundaries
    context.strokeRect(coords[0], coords[1], tileSize * screenScale, tileSize * screenScale);

    // Draw the tile information
    context.shadowColor = "white";
      tile.level + "/" + tile.row + "/" + tile.col + "/" +,
      coords[0] + 12,
      coords[1] + 24,
      tileSize * screenScale
    context.shadowColor = "transparent";

The LayerView can call this method to ask the MapView to schedule a new rendering frame.

// Call requestRender whenever the layer opacity has changed.
attach() {
  this._propertyHandle ="opacity", function() {
tilesChanged(added, removed)

Method to implement, which notifies of tiles being added or removed for the current view state. This function can be implemented to start and stop fetching new data, or allocate and dispose resources.

added Tile[]

The tile objects added for the current view viewport.

removed Tile[]

The tile objects removed from the view viewport.

Type Definitions


Represents a tile reference.


The tile string identifier in the format level/row/col/world

level Number

The level identifier of the LOD to which the tile belongs

row Number

The row identifier.

col Number

The column identifier.

world Number

When the projection allows world wrapping (e.g. Web Mercator), identifies the instance of the world this tile's level/row/col.

resolution Number

The number of map units per pixel in the tile.

scale Number

The map scale at the tile's level.

coords Number[]

The coordinates of the top-left corner of the tile as an array of two numbers. The coordinates are in un-normalized map units.

bounds Number[]

The bounds of the tile as an array of four numbers that be readily converted to an Extent object.

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