
require(["esri/widgets/CoordinateConversion"], function(CoordinateConversion) { /* code goes here */ });
Class: esri/widgets/CoordinateConversion
Inheritance: CoordinateConversion Widget Accessor
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.7

The CoordinateConversion widget provides a way to display user cursor position either as map coordinates or as any of several popular coordinate notations. Additionally, the widget provides a way to convert user input coordinates into a Point.


Several common formats are included by default:

Additional formats can be created by a developer and made available through the widget.

For information about gaining full control of widget styles, see the Styling topic.
See also:
var ccWidget = new CoordinateConversion({
  view: view

// Adds widget in the bottom left corner of the view
view.ui.add(ccWidget, "bottom-left");


new CoordinateConversion(properties)
properties Object

See the properties for a list of all the properties that may be passed into the constructor.

// typical usage
var ccWidget = new CoordinateConversion({
  view: view

Property Overview

Any properties can be set, retrieved or listened to. See the Working with Properties topic.

The ID or node representing the DOM element containing the widget.

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A Collection containing every Conversion that the widget is currently displaying.

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more detailsCoordinateConversion

Describes the location of the coordinates currently displayed by the widget as a Point.

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more detailsCoordinateConversion

The name of the class.

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When true, this property indicates whether the widget has been destroyed.

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A Collection containing every Format that the widget is capable of displaying.

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more detailsCoordinateConversion

This function provides the ability to override either the MapView goTo() or SceneView goTo() methods.

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more detailsCoordinateConversion

The unique ID assigned to the widget when the widget is created.

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Describes the current mode of the widget.

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more detailsCoordinateConversion

If this property is set to true, multiple conversions can be displayed.

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more detailsCoordinateConversion

Determines whether the widget should expand up or down.

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more detailsCoordinateConversion

The number of milliseconds of delay before conversion requests will be sent to the GeometryService.

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more detailsCoordinateConversion

A reference to the MapView or SceneView.

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more detailsCoordinateConversion

The view model for this widget.

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more detailsCoordinateConversion

Property Details

The ID or node representing the DOM element containing the widget. This property can only be set once.

A Collection containing every Conversion that the widget is currently displaying.


Describes the location of the coordinates currently displayed by the widget as a Point. Setting this property will update all conversions.

declaredClassStringreadonly inherited

The name of the class. The declared class name is formatted as esri.folder.className.

When true, this property indicates whether the widget has been destroyed.

A Collection containing every Format that the widget is capable of displaying.

The default formats are basemap, dd, ddm, dms, mgrs, usng, utm, and xy.

Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.8

This function provides the ability to override either the MapView goTo() or SceneView goTo() methods.

See also:
// The following snippet uses the Search widget but can be applied to any
// widgets that support the goToOverride property.
search.goToOverride = function(view, goToParams) {
  goToParams.options.duration = updatedDuration;
  return view.goTo(, goToParams.options);

The unique ID assigned to the widget when the widget is created. If not set by the developer, it will default to the container ID, or if that is not present then it will be automatically generated.


Describes the current mode of the widget.

Possible Values: live | capture

  • While in live mode, the widget will update as the cursor moves.
  • While in capture mode, the widget will update on mouse click and display a graphic marking the current location.
Default Value:live

If this property is set to true, multiple conversions can be displayed. For a simpler experience with only one conversion at a time, this property can be set to false.

Default Value:true

Determines whether the widget should expand up or down. If set to auto the widget will be oriented based on its position in the view.

Possible Values: auto | expand-up | expand-down

Default Value:auto

The number of milliseconds of delay before conversion requests will be sent to the GeometryService. This only affects conversions that cannot be performed in the browser.

Default Value:300

A reference to the MapView or SceneView. Set this to link the widget to a specific view.

The view model for this widget. The view model contains the logic that controls the Coordinate Widget's behavior. See the CoordinateConversionViewModel class to access all properties and methods on the widget.

Method Overview

NameReturn TypeSummaryClass

A utility method used for building the value for a widget's class property.

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more detailsWidget

Destroys the widget instance.

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more detailsWidget

Widget teardown helper.

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more detailsWidget

This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets.

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more detailsWidget

This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets.

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more detailsWidget

Renders widget to the DOM immediately.

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more detailsWidget

Attempt to convert a string into a Point.

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more detailsCoordinateConversion

This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets.

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more detailsWidget

Method Details


A utility method used for building the value for a widget's class property. This aids in simplifying CSS class setup.

Prior to version 4.7, there were various approaches towards setting CSS classes. These were dependent upon variables, such as whether the classes were:

  • a single static class,
  • multiple static classes, or
  • dynamic classes.

This helper method takes all of these approaches into account and simplifies it to use one single pattern to accommodate these multiple approaches.

classNames Array<(String|String[]|Object)>

The class names.

StringThe computed class name.
See also:
// .tsx syntax showing how to set CSS classes while rendering the widget
render() {
  const dynamicIconClasses = {
    [CSS.myIcon]: this.showIcon,
    [CSS.greyIcon]: !this.showIcon

  return (
    <div class={classes(CSS.root, CSS.mixin, dynamicIconClasses)} />

Destroys the widget instance.


Widget teardown helper. Any handles added to it will be automatically removed when the widget is destroyed.


Handles marked for removal once the widget is destroyed.


This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets. Executes after widget is ready for rendering.


This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets. It must be implemented by subclasses for rendering.

ObjectThe rendered virtual node.

Renders widget to the DOM immediately.

reverseConvert(coordinate, format){Promise<Point>}

Attempt to convert a string into a Point. The format of the string must be specified. A Collection of available formats can be obtained from the formats property.

coordinate String

The coordinate string.

format Format

Specifies the format of the input coordinate.

Promise<Point>When resolved, returns a Point.

This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets. Schedules widget rendering. This method is useful for changes affecting the UI.

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