require(["esri/tasks/workflow/JobTask"], function(JobTask) { /* code goes here */ });
Class: esri/tasks/workflow/JobTask
Inheritance: JobTask Task Accessor
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.3

Helps you work with Workflow Manager jobs. A job is a single unit of work that is carried out within an organization. Various methods are available in the class to work with the following:


new JobTask(properties)
properties Object

See the properties for a list of all the properties that may be passed into the constructor.

Property Overview

Any properties can be set, retrieved or listened to. See the Working with Properties topic.

The name of the class.

more details
more detailsAccessor

The options to be used for data requests.

more details
more detailsTask

URL to the ArcGIS Workflow Manager REST service.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Property Details

declaredClassStringreadonly inherited
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.7

The name of the class. The declared class name is formatted as esri.folder.className.

requestOptionsObject inherited

The options to be used for data requests. These options can also be controlled through the requestOptions method parameter.

URL to the ArcGIS Workflow Manager REST service.

Method Overview

NameReturn TypeSummaryClass

Uploads a file and attaches it to the job as an embedded attachment.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Adds a linked attachment to a job (url or file).

more details
more detailsJobTask

Adds a linked property record to a job's linked properties table.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Assigns one or more jobs to a user or group.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Closes one or more jobs.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Creates a job dependency.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Creates a job hold.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Creates new jobs based on the provided parameters.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Creates a version specific to the job.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Deletes an attachment from a job.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Deletes a job dependency.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Delete one or more jobs.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Deletes a record from a job's linked properties table.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Gets the activity log for a job.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Gets the URL to access the file content of an embedded job attachment.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Gets all the attachments associated with the job.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Gets an array of dependencies configured for a job.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Gets an array of extended properties for a job.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Gets an array of holds on a job.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Gets the job object based on the given id.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Gets all the job ids in the system.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Gets the notes for a job.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Gets an array of values and descriptions for a geodatabase domain or table list extended property field.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Gets an array of display values for a given fields that comprise a multi-level table list extended property.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Logs an action in a job's activity log.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Queries the jobs using the queryId of an existing query.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Queries the jobs using an ad-hoc query definition and gets the query result.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Gets an array of string values representing the current display values for each display field in a multi-level table list extended property.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Releases a job hold.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Reopens one or more closed jobs.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Performs a freeform text search and returns a set of matching job records.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Unassigns one or more jobs.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Update a job's properties.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Updates the notes for a job.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Updates the values of an extended or linked properties record.

more details
more detailsJobTask

Method Details

addEmbeddedAttachment(params, requestOptions){Promise<String>}

Uploads a file and attaches it to the job as an embedded attachment.

params Object

See the object specifications in table below for the structure of the params object.

jobId Number

The unique id of the job.

form Object

The form element that contains the file input control. The form parameter can be an instance of FormData. Using FormData you can send a "multipart/form-data" request to the server without having to create an HTML form element in markup. Note that the FormData api is not available in all browsers.

user String

The user name of the user who is requesting the change.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<String>When resolved, returns the id of the embedded attachment added to the job.
addLinkedAttachment(params, requestOptions){Promise<String>}

Adds a linked attachment to a job (url or file).

params Object

See the object specifications in table below for the structure of the params object.

jobId Number

The unique id of the job.

attachmentType Number

The type of attachment to be added.

Possible Values: linked-file | url

path String

The file path to the attachment.

user String

The user name of the user who is requesting the change.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<String>When resolved, returns the id of the linked attachment added to the job.
var params = {
  jobId: 804,
  attachmentType: "linked-file",
  path: "c:\\temp\\test.txt",
  user: "cjones"
  console.log("attachmentId: " + attachmentId);
}, function() {     *
  console.log("Failed to add attachment.")
addLinkedRecord(params, requestOptions){Promise<String>}

Adds a linked property record to a job's linked properties table.

params Object

See the object specifications in table below for the structure of the params object.

jobId Number

The unique id of the job.

tableName String

The name of the table to which the record will be added.

user String

The user name of the user who is requesting the change.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<String>When resolved, returns the id of the added record.
assignJobs(params, requestOptions){Promise<Boolean>}

Assigns one or more jobs to a user or group.

params Object

See the object specifications in table below for the structure of the params object.

jobIds Number[]

An array of unique job Ids.

assignedType String

Indicates whether the job is assigned to a user, group or unassigned.

Possible Values: unassigned | user | group

assignedTo String

The name of the user or group to whom the job will be assigned.

user String

The user name of the user who is requesting the change.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<Boolean>When resolved, returns boolean that indicates if the request succeeded or not.
var params = {
  jobIds: [12,14],
  assignedTo: "Technicians",
  assignedType: "group",
  user: "cjones"
  console.log("Jobs assigned successfully.")
}, function() {
  console.log("Failed to assign jobs.")
closeJobs(params, requestOptions){Promise<Boolean>}

Closes one or more jobs.

params Object

See the object specifications in table below for the structure of the params object.

jobIds Number[]

An array of unique job Ids.

user String

The user name of the user who is requesting the change.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<Boolean>When resolved, returns boolean that indicates if the request succeeded or not.
createDependency(params, requestOptions){Promise<String>}

Creates a job dependency.

params Object

See the object specifications in table below for the structure of the params object.

jobId Number

The unique id of the job.

heldOnType String

Indicates whether the current job (to which the dependency is being added) will be held at a step, stage or status.

Possible Values: step | stage | status

heldOnValue Number

The value of the step, stage or status at which the current job will be held.

depJobId Number

The unique id of the job on which the current job will depend.

depOnType String

Indicates whether the current job (to which the dependency is being added) will be dependent on a step, stage or status of the other job.

Possible Values: step | stage | status

depOnValue Number

The value of the step or status of the other job on which the current job will be dependent.

user String

The user name of the user who is requesting the change.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<String>When resolved, returns the id of the dependency created.
var params = {
  jobId: 403,
  heldOnType: "status",
  heldOnValue: 4,
  depJobId: 405,
  depOnType: "step",
  depOnValue: 1093,
  user: "cjones"
  console.log("dependencyId = " + dependencyId);
}, function() {
  console.log("Failed to create job dependency.")
createHold(params, requestOptions){Promise<String>}

Creates a job hold.

params Object

See the object specifications in table below for the structure of the params object.

jobId Number

The unique id of the job.

holdTypeId Number

The unique id representing the hold type to be placed on the job.

comments String

Reason or more detailed information regarding why the hold is being added.

user String

The user name of the user who is requesting the change.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<String>When resolved, returns the id of the hold added.
var params = {
  jobId: 403,
  holdTypeId: 2,
  comments: "Require department approval",
  user: "cjones"
  console.log("holdId = " + holdId);
}, function() {
  console.log("Failed to create job hold.")
createJobs(params, requestOptions){Promise<String[]>}

Creates new jobs based on the provided parameters.


The parameters to be used for job creation, parameters defined in the job type can be overwritten. The jobTypeId and user are required parameters when creating a job.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<String[]>When resolved, returns an array of ids of the jobs created.
// job location of interest (loi) can be a polygon, point, or multipoint
// polygon
// var polygon = new Polygon(new SpatialReference({ wkid: 102100 }));
// polygon.addRing([[-108.92, 44.73], [-108.92, 36.01], [-126.46, 36.01], [-126.46, 44.73], [-108.92, 44.73]]);
// points
var multipoint = new esri.geometry.Multipoint(new esri.SpatialReference({ wkid: 102100 }));
multipoint.addPoint(new esri.geometry.Point(-108.92, 44.73));
multipoint.addPoint(new esri.geometry.Point(-108.92, 36.01));
multipoint.addPoint(new esri.geometry.Point(-126.46, 36.01));
multipoint.addPoint(new esri.geometry.Point(-126.46, 44.73));
multipoint.addPoint(new esri.geometry.Point(-108.92, 44.73));

// specify fields to override job type default values
var params = {
  jobTypeId: 12,
  assignedTo: "demo",
  assignedType: "user",
  loi: multipoint,
  numJobs: 2
  user: "cjones",
  . . .
  var jobIds = data;
    var createdDate = job.createdDate;
    var priority = job.priority;
    var status = job.status;
createJobVersion(params, requestOptions){Promise<String>}

Creates a version specific to the job.

params Object

See the object specifications in table below for the structure of the params object.

jobId Number

The unique id of the job.

name String

The name of the version to be created.

parent String

The name of the job's assigned geodatabase (data workspace) version, based on which the new version will be created.

user String

The user name of the user who is requesting the change.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<String>When resolved, returns the name of the version created as a string.
deleteAttachment(params, requestOptions){Promise<Boolean>}

Deletes an attachment from a job.

params Object

See the object specifications in table below for the structure of the params object.

jobId Number

The unique id of the job.

attachmentId Number

The unique id of the attachment to be deleted.

user String

The user name of the user who is requesting the change.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<Boolean>When resolved, returns boolean that indicates if the request succeeded or not.
deleteDependency(params, requestOptions){Promise<Boolean>}

Deletes a job dependency.

params Object

See the object specifications in table below for the structure of the params object.

jobId Number

The unique id of the job.

dependencyId Number

The unique id of the dependency to be deleted.

user String

The user name of the user who is requesting the change.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<Boolean>When resolved, returns boolean that indicates if the request succeeded or not.
deleteJobs(params, requestOptions){Promise<Boolean>}

Delete one or more jobs.

params Object

See the object specifications in table below for the structure of the params object.

jobIds Number[]

An array of unique job Ids.

deleteHistory Boolean

Indicates whether or not to delete the associated job history, the default is to delete job history.

user String

The user name of the user who is requesting the change.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<Boolean>When resolved, returns boolean that indicates if the request succeeded or not.
deleteLinkedRecord(params, requestOptions){Promise<Boolean>}

Deletes a record from a job's linked properties table.

params Object

See the object specifications in table below for the structure of the params object.

jobId Number

The unique id of the job.

tableName String

The name of the table from which linked record will be deleted.

recordId Number

The unique id of the record in the table.

user String

The user name of the user who is requesting the change.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<Boolean>When resolved, returns boolean that indicates if the request succeeded or not.
getActivityLog(jobId, requestOptions){Promise<Object[]>}

Gets the activity log for a job.

jobId Number

The unique id of the job.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<Object[]>When resolved, returns an array of objects, each object with the following properties:
dateDateThe date that the activity happened.
messageStringThe activity message logged in the history table.
typeNumberThe type of activity that is been logged in the application.
userStringThe user making the request.

Gets the URL to access the file content of an embedded job attachment.

params Object

See the object specifications in table below for the structure of the params object.

jobId Number

The unique id of the job.

attachmentId Number

The Id of the attachment to be retrieved.

StringReturns the URL to access the file content of an embedded job attachment.
getAttachments(jobId, requestOptions){Promise<JobAttachment>}

Gets all the attachments associated with the job.

jobId Number

The unique id of the job.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<JobAttachment>When resolved, returns an array of job attachment objects.
getDependencies(jobId, requestOptions){Promise<JobDependency>}

Gets an array of dependencies configured for a job. A job with a dependency is held at a step, stage or status of the other job, and cannot progress until the other job reaches the step, stage or status defined in the dependency. Once the other job reaches step, stage or status as defined in the dependency criteria the dependency is released and the dependent job can progress.

jobId Number

The unique id of the job.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<JobDependency>When resolved, returns an array of job dependency objects.
getExtendedProperties(jobId, requestOptions){Promise<AuxRecordContainer>}

Gets an array of extended properties for a job.

jobId Number

The unique id of the job.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<AuxRecordContainer>When resolved, returns an array of extended properties[] for a job.
getHolds(jobId, requestOptions){Promise<Object[]>}

Gets an array of holds on a job.

jobId Number

The unique id of the job.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<Object[]>When resolved, returns an array of objects, each object with the following properties:
heldByStringThe user name of the person that created the hold.
holdCommentsStringThe comment added to indicate the reason for the hold.
holdDatedateThe date the hold was added.
idNumberA unique identifier for the hold.
releaseCommentStringThe comment added to support releasing of the hold.
releasedByStringThe user name of the person that released the hold.
releasedDatedateThe date the hold was released.
typeNumberA numeric identifier that represents the type of hold.
getJob(jobId, requestOptions){Promise<JobInfo>}

Gets the job object based on the given id.

jobId Number

The unique id of the job to be retrieved.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<JobInfo>When resolved, returns a job object.

Gets all the job ids in the system.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<String[]>When resolved, returns an array of job ids in the system.
getNotes(jobId, requestOptions){Promise<String>}

Gets the notes for a job.

jobId Number

The unique id of the job.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<String>When resolved, returns the job note as string.
listFieldValues(params, requestOptions){Promise<FieldValue>}

Gets an array of values and descriptions for a geodatabase domain or table list extended property field.

params Object

See the object specifications in table below for the structure of the params object.

jobId Number

The unique id of the job.

tableName String

The name of the extended property table.

field String

The field name of the extended property for which to retrieve values.

user String

The user name of the user who is requesting the change.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<FieldValue>When resolved, returns an array of values and descriptions for a geodatabase domain or table list extended property field.
require(["dojo/_base/array", "esri/tasks/workflow/JobTask"], function(array, JobTask){
  var params = {
    jobId: 1801,
    tableName: "wmdb.DBO.jtx_extra_properties",
    field: "TEXTNAME",
    user: "demo"
  var jobTask = new JobTask(serverUrl);
    array.forEach(fieldValues, function(fieldValue){
      console.log("value: " + fieldValue.value);
      console.log("description: " + fieldValue.description);
      . . .
listMultiLevelFieldValues(params, requestOptions){Promise<FieldValue>}

Gets an array of display values for a given fields that comprise a multi-level table list extended property. As each display field is selected, for example using a dropdown UI control, this method can be called to obtain a list of values to display in the subsequent dropdown control.

params Object

See the object specifications in table below for the structure of the params object.

field String

The name of the field.

previousSelectedValues String[]

The array of previous values, on which the current value is dependent on. For example, when selecting a city based on the state and county. The value for the state and county would be the previous values.

user String

The user name of the user who is requesting the change.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<FieldValue>When resolved, returns an array of display values for a given fields that comprise a multi-level table list extended property.
require(["dojo/_base/array", "esri/tasks/workflow/JobTask"], function(array, JobTask){
  var params = {
    jobId: 1801,
    field: auxRecordValue,
    previousSelectedValues: ["California", "Alameda"],
    user: "demo"
  var jobTask = new JobTask(serverUrl);
    array.forEach(fieldValues, function(fieldValue){
      console.log("value: " + fieldValue.value);
      console.log("description: " + fieldValue.description);
      . . .
logAction(params, requestOptions){Promise<Boolean>}

Logs an action in a job's activity log.

params Object

See the object specifications in table below for the structure of the params object.

jobId Number

The unique id of the job.

activityTypeId Number

The unique id representing the activity type of the action associated with this log record.

comments String

The comment that is added to the history.

user String

The user name of the user who is requesting the change.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<Boolean>When resolved, returns boolean that indicates if the request succeeded or not.
queryJobs(params, requestOptions){Promise<QueryResult>}

Queries the jobs using the queryId of an existing query.

params Object

See the object specifications in table below for the structure of the params object.

queryId Number

The unique id of a query, used to query jobs in the database.

user String

The username of the user who is requesting query.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<QueryResult>When resolved, returns a query result.
queryJobsAdHoc(params, requestOptions){Promise<QueryResult>}

Queries the jobs using an ad-hoc query definition and gets the query result.


The parameters to query jobs.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<QueryResult>When resolved, returns a query result.
var params = {
  tables: "JTX_JOBS",
  where: "JTX_JOBS.JOB_ID < 1000",
  user: "cjones"
  var queryResult = data;
  var fields = queryResult.fields;
  var rows = queryResult.rows;
  . . .
queryMultiLevelSelectedValues(params, requestOptions){Promise<String[]>}

Gets an array of string values representing the current display values for each display field in a multi-level table list extended property. The values from this method should be used to pre-select items in dropdown lists when initially displaying the extended properties of a job.

params Object

See the object specifications in table below for the structure of the params object.

field String

The name of the field.

user String

The user name of the user who is requesting the change.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<String[]>When resolved, returns a string array of the extended property values.
releaseHold(params, requestOptions){Promise<Boolean>}

Releases a job hold.

params Object

See the object specifications in table below for the structure of the params object.

jobId Number

The unique id of the job.

holdId Number

The unique id of the hold.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<Boolean>When resolved, returns a boolean to indicate if the request succeeded or not.
var params = {
  jobId: 403,
  holdId: 212,
  comments: "Department approval granted",
  user: "cjones"
  console.log("Successfully released job hold.");
}, function() {
  console.log("Failed to release job hold.")
reopenClosedJobs(params, requestOptions){Promise<Boolean>}

Reopens one or more closed jobs. Supported from 10.3 onwards

params Object

See the object specifications in table below for the structure of the params object.

jobIds Number[]

An array of unique job Ids.

user String

The user name of the user who is requesting the change.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<Boolean>When resolved, returns boolean that indicates if the request succeeded or not.
searchJobs(params, requestOptions){Promise<QueryResult>}

Performs a freeform text search and returns a set of matching job records.

params Object

See the object specifications in table below for the structure of the params object.

text String

The text which will be used to perform the search.

user String

The username of the user who is requesting search.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<QueryResult>When resolved, returns a query result.
unassignJobs(params, requestOptions){Promise<Boolean>}

Unassigns one or more jobs.

params Object

See the object specifications in table below for the structure of the params object.

jobIds Number[]

An array of unique job Ids.

user String

The user name of the user who is requesting the change.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<Boolean>When resolved, returns boolean that indicates if the request succeeded or not.
updateJob(params, requestOptions){Promise<Boolean>}

Update a job's properties.


The parameters to be used for job properties update, the jobId and the user are required when updating jobs.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<Boolean>When resolved, returns boolean that indicates if the request succeeded or not.
// specify the fields that need updating
var params = {
  jobId: 12,
  assignedTo: "demo",
  assignedType: "user",
  startDate: new Date(2017, 4, 13),
  dueDate: new Date(2017, 4, 20),
  priority: 10,
  user: "cjones",
  . . .
  console.log("Job updated successfully.")
}, function() {
  console.log("Failed to update jobs.")
updateNotes(params, requestOptions){Promise<Boolean>}

Updates the notes for a job.

params Object

See the object specifications in table below for the structure of the params object.

jobId Number

The unique id of the job.

notes String

The new notes for the job. Set to an empty (zero-length) string to clear the job notes.

user String

The user name of the user who is requesting the change.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<Boolean>When resolved, returns boolean that indicates if the request succeeded or not.
updateRecord(params, requestOptions){Promise<Boolean>}

Updates the values of an extended or linked properties record.

params Object

See the object specifications in table below for the structure of the params object.

jobId Number

The unique id of the job.

The record to be updated.

user String

The user name of the user who is requesting the change.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<Boolean>When resolved, returns boolean that indicates if the request succeeded or not.

Type Definitions


ActivityType represents an activity type template that gets logged on a job when a certain event is fired in the application.

desription String

The description of the activity being recorded.

The unique id of the activity that is logged.

message String

The message that will be logged when this type of activity occurs.

name String

The name of the activity that occurred.


AuxRecord represents the extended/linked properties record information associated with a job so that you can fetch or update the information for a specified record.

displayProperty Object

The display value of the record.

The unique id of the record.

recordvalues AuxRecordValue

The array of the values in the records.


AuxRecordContainer represents the extended/linked properties table characteristics.

records AuxRecord

The array of extended property records.

relationshipType String

The type of extended property relationship.

Possible Values: one-to-one | one-to-many

tableAlias String

The table alias.

tableName String

The table name.


AuxRecordDescription represents the type of value that is captured in a specific AuxRecord field. There are multiple data types supported in Workflow Manager like - file, folder, text, date, etc.

properties Object

The array of property/value pairs of the record.

recordId Number

The unique id of the record.

tableName String

The table name.


AuxRecordValue represents the values of extended/linked properties associated with a job.

alias String

The alias for the field in the table.

canUpdate Boolean

Indicates whether the extended property value can be updated.

data Object

The data contained in the field.

dataType String

The type of data expected in the field.

Possible Values: small-integer | integer | single | double | string | date | oid | geometry | blob | raster | guid | global-id | xml

displayOrder Number

The order each field is displayed.

displayType String

The type of extended property item.

Possible Values: default | text | date | domain | file | geo-file | folder | list | table-list | multi-level-table-list

domain String

The domain value configured for the field.

filter String

The filter to restrict the types of records supported.

length Number

The length of the property string.

name String

The name property associated with the record.

required Boolean

Indicates whether the property is a required or optional field.

tableListClass String

The lookup table that contains the list of values which will be selected.

tableListDisplayField String

The field that will be displayed for the extended property.

tableListStoreField String

The field that contains the value that gets stored as the extended property value.

userVisible Boolean

Indicates whether the value will be visible to the user or not.


FieldValue represents a single entry of a geodatabase domain or table list, applicable to constraining the values of an extended or linked property.

description String

The description of the field.

value Object

The value that is stored for the extended properties record.


JobAttachment represents an attachments associated with a job.

filename String

The name of the file attachment.

folder String

The file folder path or a URL.

The unique id of the attachment.

storageType String

The storage type of the attachment.

Possible Values: linked-file | embedded | url


JobCreationParameters provides information about the properties used for creating a job.

assignedTo String

The name of the user or group to whom the job will be assigned.

assignedType String

Indicates whether the job is assigned to a user, group or unassigned.

Possible Values: unassigned | user | group

autoCommitWorkflow Boolean

Indicates whether the workflow will be automatically committed upon creation of the job. The workflow cannot be edited after being committed to the system.

autoExecute Boolean

Indicates whether the job workflow will start execution automatically upon creation of the job.

dataWorkspaceId String

The unique id of the data workspace of the job.

description String

The description of the job.

dueDate Date

The date on which the job is expected to be complete.

jobTypeId Number

The unique id of the job type from which to create the new job from.

The geometry of the job's location of interest (LOI). Supported geometry types include point, multipoint and polygon.

name String

The name of the new job.

numJobs String

The number of jobs to be created.

ownedBy String

The name of the user that will own the job. Job ownership allows modification of job properties and not workflow execution.

parentJobId Number

The unique id of the job that will be designated as the parent job of the new job.

parentVersion String

The name of the geodatabase version that will be the parent version of the new job's version. By default it will be the parent version of the data workspace.

priority Number

The numeric value to denote priority of the job.

startDate Date

The date on which the job is scheduled to begin.

user String

The username of the user creating the job.


JobDependency represents a dependency associated with a job.

depJobId Number

The unique id of the job on which the current job depends.

depOnType String

Indicates whether the job is dependent on a step, stage or status of the other job.

Possible Values: step | stage | status

depOnValue String

The value of the step, stage or status of the other job on which the current job is dependent.

heldOnValue Number

The value of the step, stage or status at which the current job will be held.

holdOnType String

Indicates whether the job is held at a step, stage or status.

Possible Values: step | stage | status

The unique id of the dependency.

jobID String

The unique id of the job on which the dependency exists.


JobInfo represents a collection of job properties

assignedTo String

The name of the user or group to whom the job is assigned.

assignedType String

Indicates whether the job is assigned to a user, group or unassigned.

Possible Values: unassigned | user | group

childJobIds Number[]

An array of unique job ids designated as child jobs for the current job.

createdBy String

The user name of the person that created the job.

createdDate Date

The date the job was created.

dataWorkspaceId String

The unique id of the data workspace of the job.

description String

The description of the job.

dueDate Date

The date on which the job is expected to be complete.

endDate Date

The actual date the job's workflow was completed.

The unique id to identify the job.

jobTypeId Number

The unique id of the job type whose instance is the current job.

The geometry of the job's location of interest (LOI). Supported geometry types include point, multipoint and polygon.

name String

The name of the job.

ownedBy String

The name of the user that will own the job. Job ownership allows modification of job properties and not workflow execution.

parentJobId Number

The unique id of the job that will be designated as the parent job of the new job.

parentVersion String

The name of the geodatabase version that is the parent version of the job's version. By default it will be the parent version of the data workspace.

pendingDays Number

The number of days that the job has been active.

percentageComplete Number

The percentage of work completed on the job.

priority Number

The numeric value to denote priority of the job.

stage String

The internal stage of the job which corresponds to the status of the job.

Possible Values: created | ready | working | done | closed

startDate Date

The date on which the job is scheduled to begin.

status Number

The numeric value to represent the current status of the job.

versionExists Boolean

Indicates whether a version exists for the job.

versionInfo JobVersionInfo

The information about job's geodatabase version.

versionName String

The name of the job's geodatabase version.


JobQueryParameters is a full query definition of the selected query.

aliases String

An alias of fields included in the select statement.

fields String

An array of fields included in the select statement.

orderBy String

The field that will be used to order the results returned by the query.

tables String

The tables that will be used in the where clause for selection.

where String

The where clause used as a filter for selecting job information.

user String

The username of the user who is requesting query.


JobUpdateParameters is a collection of properties that can be updated for jobs.

assignedTo String

The name of the user or group to whom the job will be assigned.

assignedType String

Indicates whether the job is assigned to a user, group or unassigned.

Possible Values: unassigned | user | group

dataWorkspaceId String

The unique id of the data workspace of the job.

description String

The description of the job.

dueDate Date

The date on which the job is expected to be complete.

The geometry of the job's location of interest (LOI). Supported geometry types include point, multipoint and polygon.

jobId Number

The unique id of the job.

name String

The name of the job.

ownedBy String

The name of the user that will own the job. Job ownership allows modification of job properties and not workflow execution.

parentJobId Number

The unique id of the job that will be designated as the parent job of the new job.

parentVersion String

The name of the geodatabase version that will be the parent version of the new job's version. By default it will be the parent version of the data workspace.

percent Number

The percentage of work completed on the job's current step.

priority Number

The numeric value to denote priority of the job.

startDate Date

The date on which the job is scheduled to begin.

status Number

The unique id of the job's new status.

versionName String

The name of the geodatabase version to be used for the job.

user String

The user name of the user who is requesting the change.


JobVersionInfo represents a collection of properties for a job's version.

dataWorkspaceId String

The unique id of the data workspace.

name String

The name of the data workspace.

parent String

The parent version of the geodatabase.

created Boolean

Indicates whether the version has been created or not.

owner String

The name of the version owner.


QueryFieldInfo represents a collection of field properties that are returned as part of a query.

alias String

The alias name of the field.

length String

The field length.

name String

The name of the data workspace.

type String

The type of data expected in the field.

Possible Values: small-integer | integer | single | double | string | date | oid | geometry | blob | raster | guid | global-id | xml


QueryResult contains the result of a query after it has been executed.


An array of fields and field properties in the query.

The rows of results.

API Reference search results
