require(["esri/core/promiseUtils"], function(promiseUtils) { /* code goes here */ });
Various utilities and convenience functions for working with promises.
Method Overview
Name | Return Type | Summary | Object | |
Promise | Convenience utility method for creating and resolving a promise. more details | more details | promiseUtils | |
Promise|Object | Convenience utility method to wait for a number of promises to either resolve or reject. more details | more details | promiseUtils | |
Promise | A convenience utility method for filtering an array of values using an asynchronous predicate function. more details | more details | promiseUtils | |
Promise | Convenience utility method to create a promise that has been rejected with a provided error value. more details | more details | promiseUtils | |
Promise | Convenience utility method to create a promise that will be resolved with a provided value. more details | more details | promiseUtils |
Method Details
- create(executor){Promise}
Convenience utility method for creating and resolving a promise.
Parameter:executor ExecutorA function that will be called with two methods,
.Returns:Type Description Promise A promise that will be fulfilled by the executor. Examples:function fetchImage(url) { return promiseUtils.create(function(resolve, reject){ const image = document.createElement("img"); image.onload = function() { image.load = image.onerror = null; resolve(image); }; image.onerror = function() { image.load = image.onerror = null; reject(new Error("Error while loading the image")); } image.src = url; }); } fetchImage(".........") .then(function(image){ console.log(image); });
// Load multiple modules conditionally require([ "esri/core/promiseUtils" ], function( promiseUtils ) { // load modules based on whether a user selects // a UI option to apply class breaks to a layer if (classBreaksSelected) { return promiseUtils.create(function(resolve, reject) { require([ "esri/renderers/ClassBreaksRenderer" ], resolve); }).then(function(ClassBreaksRenderer) { // Create renderer and apply it to the desired layer }); } });
Convenience utility method to wait for a number of promises to either resolve or reject. The resulting promise resolves to an array of result objects containing the promise and either a value if the promise resolved, or an error if the promise rejected.
Parameter:Array of promises, or object where each property is a promise.
Returns:Type Description Promise | Object If called with an array of promises, resolves to an array of result objects containing the original promise and either a value (if the promise resolved) or an error (if the promise rejected). If called with an object where each property is a promise, then resolves to an object with the same properties where each property value is a result object. Example:// Query for the number of features from // multiple feature layers function queryLayerFeatureCount(whereClauses) { // pass each whereClause item into callback function return promiseUtils.eachAlways( (whereClause) { return layer.queryFeatureCount(whereClause); })); } queryLayerFeatureCount(whereClauses).then(function(eachAlwaysResults) { eachAlwaysResults.forEach(function(result) { // If a Promise was rejected, you can check for the rejected error if (result.error) { console.log("There was an error in your query.", result.error); } // The results of the Promise are returned in the value property else { console.log("The number of features are: " + result.value); } }); });
- filter(input, predicate){Promise}
A convenience utility method for filtering an array of values using an asynchronous predicate function.
Parameters:input ArrayThe array of input values to filter.
predicate FilterPredicateCallbackA predicate function returning a promise. Only array entries for which the returned promise contains
are kept.Returns:Type Description Promise A promise containing an array of values that passed the predicate check.
- reject(error){Promise}
Convenience utility method to create a promise that has been rejected with a provided error value.
Parameter:error ObjectoptionalThe error to reject the resulting promise with.
Returns:Type Description Promise A promise which is rejected with the provided error. Example:if (!data || !data.url) { return promiseUtils.reject(new Error("url is a required options property")); }
- resolve(value){Promise}
Convenience utility method to create a promise that will be resolved with a provided value.
Parameter:value *optionalThe value to resolve the resulting promise with.
Returns:Type Description Promise A promise which is resolved with the provided value. Example:// createGraphics will return a Promise that // resolves to graphics array function createGraphics() { var graphics =, i) { return new Graphic({ geometry: new Point({ x: feature.geometry.coordinates[0], y: feature.geometry.coordinates[1] }), attributes: { ObjectID: i, title: } }); }); return promiseUtils.resolve(graphics); }
Type Definitions
- EachAlwaysResultObject
The result object for a promise passed to promiseUtils.eachAlways.
- Properties:
- promise Promise
The promise that has been fulfilled.
optionalvalue *The value with which the promise resolved. Defined only if the promise resolved.
optionalerror *The error with which the promise rejected. Defined only if the promise rejected.
- Executor()
A function that defines how a promise created in create() is resolved and rejected.
- Properties:
- resolve ResolveCallback
A function that will fulfill the promise.
reject RejectCallbackA function that will handle the rejection of the promise.
- FilterPredicateCallback(value, index){Promise}
Callback to be called for each entry of an array to be filtered.
Parameters:value *The value of the array entry.
index NumberThe index of the entry within the array.
Returns:Type Description Promise A promise that resolves to a boolean value, indicating whether the entry should be kept in the filtered array.
- RejectCallback
A function that will reject the promise created in create().
- Property:
- optionalerror *
The error with which the promise rejected. Defined only if the promise is rejected.