Functionality matrix

esri - esri/config - esri/graphic - esri/lang - esri/map - esri/request - esri/arcgis - esri/geometry - esri/layers - esri/layers/Layer - esri/layers/GraphicsLayer - esri/layers/ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer - esri/layers/FeatureLayer - esri/renderers - esri/symbols - esri/tasks - esri/tasks/datareviewer - esri/tasks/geoenrichment - esri/tasks/locationproviders - esri/toolbars - esri/opsdashboard - esri/process - esri/plugins - esri/virtualearth - esri/widgets - esri/workers


3.x module name4.xNoteVersion
basemapsNot plannedSee Map.basemap for list of named basemaps. Use esri/Basemap to easily create custom basemap.4.0
configconfigSee table for details.4.0
CredentialCredentialMoved to esri/identity folder.4.0
domUtilsNot plannedn/a
graphicGraphicRenamed to Graphic - note the uppercase G. See table for details.4.0
graphicsUtilsComing soon
IdentityManagerIdentityManagerMoved to esri/identity folder.4.0
ImageSpatialReferenceComing soon
InfoWindowBaseNot plannedn/a
langlangMoved to esri/core. See table for details.4.0
mapMapRenamed to Map - note the uppercase M. See table for details.4.0
OperationBaseUnder consideration
requestrequestSee table for details.4.0
ServerInfoServerInfoMoved to esri/identity folder.4.0
SnappingManagerUnder consideration
support/expressionUtilsComing soon
SpatialReferenceSpatialReferenceMoved to esri/geometry folder.4.0
TimeExtentComing soon
UndoManagerUnder consideration
unitsNot plannedUse string values. See Circle.radiusUnit for example.4.0
urlUtilsurlUtilsMoved to esri/core folder.4.0


3.x property name4.xNoteVersion
defaults.mapNot plannedUse options in View.goTo to customize animation.n/a
defaultsNot plannedNot useful, removed.n/a


3.x capability or member name4.xNoteVersion
Create graphic objectGraphicModule has been renamed from graphic to Graphic - note the uppercase G.4.0
Set geometry, symbol, attributesSee properties4.0
Set infoTemplatepopupTemplateinfoTemplate renamed to PopupTemplate.4.0
Toggle visibilityvisible4.0
Get popup title and contentComing soon
Access internal DOM nodes and GFX shapesNot plannedn/a
Data attributes, attr()Not plannedn/a
draw()Not plannedn/a


3.x function name4.xNoteVersion
substitute()Coming soon
Other functionsUnder consideration


3.x capability or member name4.xNoteVersion
Create map objectMapModule has been renamed from map to Map - note the uppercase M.4.0
Set basemapbasemap4.0
Add, remove layersadd, addMany, remove, removeMany, removeAll4.0
Manage layerslayers, allLayers4.0
Reorder layersreorder4.0
Access a layer by its idfindLayerById4.0
Layer eventsNot plannedlayers is a Collection. Use Collection's change event.4.0
Load eventNot plannedUse View.then, View.otherwise, View.always4.0
Get spatialReferenceNot plannedUse View.spatialReference4.0
Get extent, scale, zoom levelNot plannedUse extent, center, scale, viewpoint and zoom on MapView and SceneView.4.0
Navigate to a location or extentNot plannedUse MapView.goTo, SceneView.goTo4.0
Set constraints: min/max zoom, min/max scaleNot plannedUse MapView.constraints, SceneView.constraints.4.0
Define LODsNot plannedUse MapView.constraints4.0
getLayersVisibleAtScale()Under consideration
Time awarenessComing soon
Add graphicsNot plannedUse View.graphics4.0
InfoWindowNot plannedUse View.popup4.0
Convert between map point and screen pointNot plannedUse MapView.toMap, MapView.toScreen, SceneView.toMap, SceneView.toScreen4.0
Access map sizeNot plannedUse View.size, View.width, View.height4.0
Resize eventNot plannedUse View:resize, View.resizing4.0
Navigation eventsNot plannedWatch View.interacting, View.animation, View.stationary4.0
Mouse and keyboard eventsImplementedMapView events, SceneView events4.3
Enable/disable navigationImplementedMapView events, SceneView events4.3
wrapAround180 (wrap features around the Dateline)ImplementedWraparound functionality is implemented by default if the view's SpatialReference.isWrappable is true.4.1
smartNavigation (Mac OS X only)Under consideration
Update eventsNot plannedWatch View.updating4.0
Display attributionNot plannedView.ui has Attribution widget.4.0
Zoom buttonsNot plannedView.ui has Zoom widget.4.0
Set map cursorNot plannedn/a
Display pan arrowsNot plannedn/a
Zoom sliderNot plannedn/a
autoResize, resize(), reposition()Not plannedAutomatically managed by MapView and SceneView.n/a
positionNot plannedn/a
fadeOnZoom, force3DTransforms, navigationModeNot plannedn/a
Data attributes, attr()Not plannedn/a


3.x capability4.xNoteVersion
UsageesriRequestFunction signature, parameters and response object have changed.4.0
Specify request parametersquerycontent renamed to query4.0
Specify response typeresponseTypehandleAs renamed to responseType4.0
Set timeouttimeout4.0
Fetch using HTTP POST methodmethodusePost renamed to method4.0
Fetch using proxyuseProxy4.0
Prevent browser from caching responsecacheBustpreventCache renamed to cacheBust4.0
Upload data/formComing soon
Disable identity lookupUnder consideration
Define pre-callbackesri/config.request.interceptorsReplaced with RequestInterceptor4.8


3.x module name4.xNoteVersion
ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayerMapImageLayerRenamed to MapImageLayer. See table for details.4.0
ArcGISImageServiceLayerImageryLayerRenamed to ImageryLayer.4.0
ArcGISImageServiceVectorLayerComing soon
ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayerTileLayerRenamed to TileLayer.4.0
DataAdapterFeatureLayerComing soon
FeatureLayerFeatureLayerSee table for details.4.0
GraphicsLayerGraphicsLayerSee table for details.4.0
LabelLayerNot plannedn/a
LayerLayerSee table for details.4.0
MapImageLayerComing soon
(not to be confused with the 4x MapImageLayer which is the 4x version of the 3x ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer)
RasterLayerImageryLayerImplemented as part of ImageryLayer.4.0
TiledMapServiceLayerUnder consideration
WebTiledLayerWebTileLayerRenamed to WebTileLayer - note the absence of d in Tiled.4.0
WCSLayerComing soon
WFSLayerComing soon
CodedValueDomainCodedValueDomainMoved to esri/layers/support folder.4.0
DimensionalDefinitionDimensionalDefinitionMoved to esri/layers/support folder.4.0
DynamicLayerInfoImplementedUse MapImageLayer.sublayers to find the sublayers of a MapImageLayer and their properties.4.0
FeatureEditResultComing soon
FieldFieldMoved to esri/layers/support folder.4.0
ImageParametersImageParametersMoved to esri/layers/support folder.4.0
ImageServiceParametersComing soon
InheritedDomainInheritedDomainMoved to esri/layers/support folder.4.0
JoinDataSourceImplementedClass replaced by type definition. See JoinTableDataSource.4.1
KMLGroundOverlayImplementedPart of KMLLayerView. See KMLLayerView.MapImage.4.6
LabelClassLabelClassMoved to esri/layers/support folder.4.0
LayerDataSourceImplementedClass replaced by type definition. See DynamicDataLayer.4.1
LayerDrawingOptionsComing soon
LayerInfoImplementedUse MapImageLayer.sublayers to find the sublayers of a MapImageLayer and their properties.4.0
LayerMapSourceImplementedClass replaced by type definition. See DynamicMapLayer.4.1
LayerTimeOptionsComing soon
LODLODMoved to esri/layers/support folder.4.0
MapImageMapImageMoved to esri/layers/support folder.4.0
MosaicRuleMosaicRuleMoved to esri/layers/support folder.4.0
PixelBlockPixelBlockMoved to esri/layers/support folder.4.0
QueryDataSourceImplementedClass replaced by type definition. See QueryTableDataSource.4.1
RangeDomainRangeDomainMoved to esri/layers/support folder.4.0
RasterDataSourceImplementedClass replaced by type definition. See RasterDataSource.4.1
RasterFunctionRasterFunctionMoved to esri/layers/support folder.4.0
TableDataSourceImplementedClass replaced by type definition. See TableDataSource.4.1
TileInfoTileInfoMoved to esri/layers/support folder.4.0
TimeInfoComing soon
TimeReferenceComing soon
WMSLayerInfoImplementedReplaced by WMSSublayer4.4
WMTSLayerInfoImplementedReplaced by WMSSublayer4.4

esri/layers/Layer (all layers)

3.x capability or member name4.xNoteVersion
Manage layer loadload, cancelLoadIn 3.x, a layer loads immediately after it is created. This is not the case in 4.x. MapView and SceneView explicitly load layers in a map when it is about to be displayed on the screen. If a layer or map containing that layer is not displayed in any view, then you need to explicitly call the layer's load() method.4.0
Monitor load statusloadStatus, loadError, then-otherwise-always4.0
Set refresh intervalThe refreshInterval and refresh() are implemented in relevant layers.4.6
Toggle/monitor layer visibilityvisibleAlso see: LayerView.visible4.0
Change layer opacityopacity4.0
Set custom scale rangeSee relevant layers.4.0
Scale-visibility change eventComing soonWill be implemented in layer views.
visibleAtMapScaleComing soonWill be implemented in layer views.
isVisibleAtScale()Not plannedn/a
Update eventsNot plannedWatch LayerView.updating4.0
suspendedNot plannedWatch LayerView.suspended4.0
Suspend, Resume eventsNot plannedWatch LayerView.suspended4.0
Access internal DOM nodeNot plannedn/a
className, dataAttributes, attr()Not plannedn/a


3.x capability or member name4.xNotesVersion
ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayerImplementedClass was renamed to MapImageLayer.4.0
popups (via infoTemplates)ImplementedPart of sublayers. See Sublayer.popupTemplate4.1
visibleLayers/setVisibleLayersImplementedPart of sublayers. See Sublayer.visible.4.0
layerDefinitionsImplementedPart of sublayers. See Sublayer.definitionExpression. For example layer.findSublayerById(0).definitionExpression = null;4.0
Dynamically add or remove layers, change orderImplementedSince MapImageLayer.sublayers is a Collection, use the Collection methods for adding, removing, and reordering sublayers.4.1
Dynamically change sublayer renderingImplementedPart of sublayers. See Sublayer.renderer. For example layer.findSublayerById(0).renderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer();4.1
Dynamically change sublayer labelingInfoImplementedPart of sublayers. See Sublayer.labelingInfo. For example layer.findSublayerById(0).labelingInfo = [ new LabelClass() ]4.1
Create dynamic sublayers from registered workspacesImplementedPart of sublayers. See Sublayer.source.4.1
timeInfo, layerTimeOptionsComing soonLayers are not time enabled yet.
useMapImageNot plannedDeprecated in version 2.0.n/a


3.x capability or member name4.xNoteVersion
Add, remove graphicsadd, addMany, remove, removeMany, removeAll4.0
Modify graphicsComing soonTo modify a graphic that is already added to the layer: you need to clone it, make modifications, add it to the layer and remove the original graphic. In-place modification of graphic objects will not trigger display refresh.
Set infoTemplateNot plannedUse Graphic.popupTemplate4.0
Set rendererNot plannedUse Graphic.symbol. You can create a symbol and use it for all graphics if they all need to look alike.n/a
redraw()Not plannedGraphicsLayer will automatically redraw when graphics are changed, added, or removed from the layer.n/a
Toggle/monitor layer visibilityvisible4.0
Change layer opacityopacity4.0
Set custom scale rangeminScale, maxScale4.0
Scale-visibility change eventComing soonWill be implemented in GraphicsLayerView.
visibleAtMapScaleComing soonWill be implemented in GraphicsLayerView.
isVisibleAtScale()Not plannedn/a
Mouse eventsNot plannedUse view events.4.2
Graphic eventsNot plannedgraphics is a Collection. Use Collection's change event.4.0
Update eventsNot plannedWatch GraphicsLayerView.updating4.0
Suspend, Resume eventsNot plannedWatch GraphicsLayerView.suspended4.0
styling, dataAttributes, attr()Not plannedn/a


3.x capability or module name4.xNoteVersion
Snapshot, on-demand, selection and auto drawing modesNot plannedWhen features are loaded and how many of them are loaded will be managed automatically and hence not a user option. See FeatureLayer doc for details.n/a
Use feature collection as sourcesourceSee FeatureLayer doc for details.4.0
Selection symbolSee highlightOptions4.4
Use dynamic layer as sourceComing soon
Point clusteringComing soon
Set GDB versionComing soon
Time awarenessComing soon
Filter by attributesdefinitionExpression4.0
Filter by time extentComing soon
Set infoTemplatepopupTemplate4.0
htmlPopupTypeNot plannedn/a
Set rendererrendererSupports Simple, Unique Value and Class Breaks renderers and visual variables. See Renderers table.4.0
Modify rendererComing soonTo modify a layer's renderer: you need to clone it, make modifications and assign it to the layer. In-place modification of renderer properties will not trigger display refresh.
redraw()Not plannedA FeatureLayer will automatically redraw when its renderer or features change.n/a
LabelinglabelingInfo4.0 (3D) / 4.8(2D)
Toggle/monitor layer visibilityvisible4.0
Change layer opacityopacity4.0
Access featuresNot plannedUse FeatureLayerView.queryFeatures to access features currently available for display.n/a
Query featuresqueryFeaturesAlso see: queryObjectIds, queryFeatureCount, queryExtent4.0
Select featuresComing soon
Edit features: add, update, deleteapplyEdits4.3
Query attachmentsComing soon
Edit attachments: add, deleteComing soon
Set refresh intervalrefreshInterval4.6
Set custom scale rangeminScale, maxScale4.0
Scale-visibility change eventComing soonWill be implemented in FeatureLayerView.
visibleAtMapScaleComing soonWill be implemented in FeatureLayerView.
isVisibleAtScale()Not plannedn/a
Set maxAllowableOffsetNot plannedManaged automatically - see note above on drawing modes.n/a
Toggle auto generalization, quantizationUnder consideration
Set orderByFieldsNot plannedn/a
Mouse eventsNot plannedUse view events.4.2
Graphic eventsNot plannedn/a
Update eventsNot plannedWatch FeatureLayerView.updatingn/a
Suspend, Resume eventsNot plannedWatch FeatureLayerView.suspendedn/a
styling, dataAttributes, attr()Not plannedn/a


3.x capability or module name4.xNoteVersion
Multipoint2D support only/3D support coming soon - esri/geometry/Multipoint4.0
jsonUtilsSee esri/geometry/support/jsonUtilsMoved to esri/geometry/support folder.4.0
mathUtilsNot planned.n/a
normalizeUtilsComing soon
scaleUtilsComing soon
screenUtilsComing soon
geodesicUtilsUnder consideration. Note that geometryEngine already has same functionality.4.0
webMercatorUtilsesri/geometry/support/webMercatorUtilsMoved to esri/geometry/support folder4.0


3.x capability or module name4.xNoteVersion
CartographicLineSymbolImplementedImplemented as part of SimpleLineSymbol.4.2
jsonUtilsSee esri/symbols/support/jsonUtilsMoved to esri/symbols/support folder.4.0


3.x capability or module name4.xNoteVersion
BlendRendererUnder consideration
DotDensityRendererComing soon
ScaleDependentRendererUnder consideration
smartMappingImplementedSmart Mapping API separated into several creator, symbology, and statistics modules.4.2
SymbolAgerComing soon
TemporalRendererComing soon
TimeClassBreaksAgerComing soon
TimeRampAgerComing soon
VectorFieldRendererComing soon
all esri/stylesImplementedSee colorSchemes, sizeSchemes, locationSchemes, and typeSchemes4.2
jsonUtilsSee renderers/support/jsonUtilsMoved to esri/renderers/support folder.4.0


Note 1: Task methods return Promises instead of Deferreds and no longer emit events, nor take a callback/errback/progback parameter.

Note 2: Constants replaced by string values.

3.x capability or module name4.xNoteVersion
AddressCandidateAddressCandidateMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
AlgorithmicColorRampImplementedReplaced by the Smart Mapping APIs.4.2
AreasAndLengthsParametersAreasAndLengthsParametersMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
BufferParametersBufferParametersMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
ClassBreaksDefinitionComing soonReplaced by the Smart Mapping APIs.
ClosestFacilityParametersClosestFacilityParametersMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
ClosestFacilitySolveResultClosestFacilitySolveResultMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
DataFileDataFileMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
DataLayerDataLayerMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
DateDateMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
DensifyParametersDensifyParametersMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
DirectionsFeatureSetDirectionsFeatureSetMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
DistanceParametersDistanceParametersMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
FeatureSetFeatureSetMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
FindParametersFindParametersMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
FindResultFindResultMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
GeneralizeParametersGeneralizeParametersMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
GenerateRendererParametersImplementedReplaced by the Smart Mapping APIs.4.2
GenerateRendererTaskImplementedReplaced by the Smart Mapping APIs.4.2
GPMessageGPMessageMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
IdentifyParametersIdentifyParametersMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
IdentifyResultIdentifyResultMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
ImageServiceIdentifyParametersImageServiceIdentifyParametersMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
ImageServiceIdentifyResultImageServiceIdentifyResultMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
ImageServiceMeasureParametersNot plannedn/a
ImageServiceMeasureTaskNot plannedn/a
JobInfoJobInfoMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
LegendLayerLegendLayerMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.1
LengthsParametersLengthsParametersMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
LinearUnitLinearUnitMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
MultipartColorRampImplementedReplaced by the Smart Mapping APIs.4.2
NAMessageNAMessageMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
NAOutputLineReplaced by string values4.0
NAOutputPolygonReplaced by string values4.0
NATravelDirectionReplaced by string values4.0
NATypesReplaced by string values4.0
NAUTurnReplaced by string values4.0
OffsetParametersOffsetParametersMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
ParameterValueParameterValueMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
PrintParametersPrintParametersMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.1
PrintTemplatePrintTemplateMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.1
ProjectParametersProjectParametersMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
QueryQueryRe-cased to Query. Moved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
RasterDataRasterDataMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
RelationParametersRelationParametersMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
RelationshipQueryRelationshipQueryMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
RouteParametersRouteParametersMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
RouteResultRouteResultMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
ServiceAreaParametersServiceAreaParametersMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
ServiceAreaSolveResultServiceAreaSolveResultMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
StatisticDefinitionStatisticDefinitionMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
TrimExtendParametersTrimExtendParametersMoved to esri/tasks/support.4.0
UniqueValueDefinitiontypeRendererCreatorReplaced by the Smart Mapping APIs.4.4


3.x capability or module name4.xNoteVersion
Support for DataReviewer tasksComing soon


3.x capability or module name4.xNoteVersion
Support for geoenrichmentComing soon


3.x capability or module name4.xNoteVersion
Using LocationProvidersComing soon


Note: Widgets have been moved from esri/dijit to esri/widgets/

3.x capability or module name4.xNoteVersion
AttributeInspectorRenamed to FeatureForm4.9
BasemapBasemapMoved from esri/dijit/Basemap to esri/Basemap4.0
BasemapLayerSee esri/Basemap
BookmarkItemBookmarkRenamed to Bookmark4.8
ClassedColorSliderComing soon
ClassedSizeSliderComing soon
ColorPickerComing soon
DirectionsDirections4.6 (beta)
ElevationProfileComing soon
FeatureTableComing soon
GalleryNot plannedn/a
GaugeNot plannedn/a
GeocoderNot plannedDeprecated, use Search insteadn/a
HeatmapSliderComing soon
HistogramTimeSliderNot plannedn/a
HorizontalSliderComing soon
ImageServiceMeasureComing soon
InfoWindowNot plannedSee new Popup widget.n/a
InfoWindowLiteNot plannedSee new Popup widget.n/a
LayerSwipeComing soon
LocateButtonLocateLocate behavior is in Locate widget. Tracking behavior extracted to Track widget.4.0
MeasurementAreaMeasurement2D and DistanceMeasurement2D4.10
ObliqueViewerComing soon
OpacitySliderComing soon
OverviewMapComing soon
PopupMobileSee Popup
RendererSliderComing soon
ScalebarScaleBarNote the corrected casing from Scalebar to ScaleBar.4.3
SymbolStylerComing soon
TimeSliderComing soon
VisibleScaleRangeSliderComing soon
esri/dijit/analysis/*Coming soon
esri/dijit/editing/*Coming soon (as part of full editing experience)See already: FeatureTemplates in 4.10, Sketch in 4.10
esri/dijit/geoenrichment/*Not plannedn/a
esri/dijit/util/busyIndicatorNot plannedn/a


3.x capability or module name4.xNoteVersion
ImageServiceMeasureToolComing soon
NavigationUnder consideration


3.x capability or module name4.xNoteVersion
OAuthInfoOAuthInfoMoved to esri/identity folder4.0
Portal classesImplementedMoved to esri/portal folder4.0
utilsImplementedReplaced by WebMap and PortalItem4.0


3.x capability or module name4.xNoteVersion
Support for Operations DashboardNot plannedn/a


3.x capability or module name4.xNoteVersion
FeatureLayerStatisticsComing soon
spatialIndexNot plannedn/a


3.x capability or module name4.xNoteVersion
ProcessorNot plannedn/a
SpatialIndexNot plannedn/a


3.x capability or module name4.xNoteVersion
Support for Bing mapping (formerly known as Virtual Earth)BingMapsLayer4.8
Support for Bing geocoding (formerly known as Virtual Earth)Not plannedn/a


3.x capability or module name4.xNoteVersion
Using background workersesri/core/workers4.2


3.x capability or module name4.xNoteVersion
Customize navigation animation