System Requirements

In order to use version 4.x, your browser must meet certain system requirements.

Supported browsers

For best performance, we recommend latest versions of modern browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox or Safari.

Only WebGL-enabled browsers are supported:

  • Chrome
  • Edge
  • Firefox
  • Safari 11 and later
  • IE11*
  • See the Scene Viewer topic for additional information.

Notes for IE11

  • Microsoft recommends using Microsoft Edge (instead of IE11).
  • The WebGL implementation of Internet Explorer is not optimized for memory-intensive applications, and it might not work reliably when opening certain scenes or when rendering large datasets.

Hardware requirements for 3D

Your computer hardware needs to have a minimum of 4 GB system memory and a video graphics card that supports WebGL.

Your hardware should have a high-performance graphics card with at least 512 MB of video memory. For the best performance, it is recommended that you have a graphics card with at least 1 GB of video memory, especially for working with larger or more memory-intensive scenes. High-performance graphics cards typically have better performance than integrated graphics cards. To get more detailed information about WebGL requirements, visit WebGL troubleshooting.

Currently, 3D offers mobile support for the following devices:

  • iOS — iPhone 8, iPhone XS, iPad Pro (Safari browser)
  • Android — Samsung S8, Samsung S9, Samsung Tab S3 (Chrome browser)

If you're using a mobile device other than those listed above, your device should have a minimum of 2GB of RAM (4 GB recommended), a powerful multi-core processor and GPU, and the latest Android or iOS version installed.

About web servers

If developing a traditional web application that is to be accessed via the browser, the recommended approach is to deploy it to a web server and access it via http:// or https:// rather than file://. Web server software is available free of charge for all operating systems. For Windows, IIS is recommended. On Mac OS and Linux, Apache is a popular option but any web server will do.

In embedded scenarios, e.g. Microsoft PowerBI, Windows Store app, or Adobe Creative Cloud, a web server is not necessary for using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.

Feature-specific requirements

Some API classes and modules have additional system requirements which are noted on a class by class basis in the API reference. For example, due to security considerations the Locate widget and Track widget don't work on insecure origins. The Fullscreen widget only works with browsers that implement the Fullscreen API. Thus, iOS Safari is not supported.